Sunday, August 12, 2012

Important Economic Data this week (2012-08-12)

13-Aug (Monday)
07:50 Japan GDP Annualized {Forecast: Drop to 2.3% from 4.7%}

14-Aug (Tuesday)
14:00 Germany GDP (YoY) {Forecast: Drop to 0.9% from 1.7%}
16:30 UK CPI (YoY) {Forecast: Slight drop}
17:00 Euro-Zone GDP (YoY) {Forecast: Drop to -0.4% from -0.1%}
20:30 US Advance Retail Sales {Forecast: Rise to 0.3% from -0.5%}

15-Aug (Wednesday)
16:30 UK Jobless Claims Change {Forecast: Slight drop}
20:30 US CPI (YoY) {Forecast: Slight drop}

16-Aug (Thursday)
17:00 Euro-Zone CPI (YoY) {Forecast: Unchanged}

17-Aug (Friday)
14:00 Germany Producer Prices (YoY) {Forecast: Drop to 1.2% from 1.6%}
20:30 Canada CPI (YoY) {Forecast: Slight rise}
21:55 US U. of Michigan Confidence {Forecast: Very slight drop}

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